
White Color

White is a pure and elegant color that is commonly used in Persian rugs to create contrast and highlight other colors and designs. Achieving a natural white color in Persian rugs requires the use of natural materials and careful attention to the dyeing process. Here are some of the principal sources of natural white colors in Persian rugs:

Wool: The natural color of wool is an off-white or cream color. When wool fibers are carefully cleaned and processed, they can be used to create a natural white color in Persian rugs.

Cotton: Cotton is another natural fiber that can be used to create a natural white color in Persian rugs. When cotton fibers are carefully cleaned and processed, they can be used as a weft or warp material in Persian rugs to create a white background.

Natural Bleaching: Natural bleaching techniques involve the use of natural materials, such as lemon juice or sunlight, to whiten and brighten fibers. When wool or cotton fibers are exposed to sunlight or treated with lemon juice, they can gradually lighten to a natural white color.

Gypsum: Gypsum is a natural mineral that can be used as a natural bleach. When wool fibers are soaked in a solution of gypsum and water, they can gradually lighten to a natural white color.

In conclusion, achieving a natural white color in Persian rugs requires the use of natural materials and careful attention to the dyeing process. From wool and cotton to natural bleaching techniques and gypsum, these natural sources provide a range of options for creating a pure and elegant white color in Persian rugs. The use of natural materials not only produces beautiful colors but also ensures that Persian rugs remain a sustainable and environmentally friendly art form.