
Yellow Color

Yellow is a warm and vibrant color that is often used in Persian rugs to create a cheerful and inviting atmosphere. Achieving a natural yellow color in Persian rugs requires the use of natural materials and careful attention to the dyeing process. Here are some of the principal sources of natural yellow colors in Persian rugs:

Saffron: Saffron is a spice that is derived from the crocus flower and is known for its rich yellow color. The use of saffron as a dyeing agent dates back thousands of years in Persian rug making. Saffron is a precious material and is often used sparingly, resulting in subtle shades of yellow in Persian rugs.

Turmeric: Turmeric is a spice that is commonly used in Persian cuisine and is also used as a natural dyeing agent. When turmeric is boiled in water and then combined with alum, it can create a bright and vibrant yellow color in Persian rugs.

Chamomile: Chamomile flowers can also be used as a natural dyeing agent to create a light yellow color in Persian rugs. The flowers are boiled in water and then combined with alum to create a dye bath.

Onion skins: Onion skins can be boiled in water to create a natural yellow dye. The dye bath is then used to dye wool fibers to create a light yellow color in Persian rugs.

In conclusion, achieving a natural yellow color in Persian rugs requires the use of natural materials and careful attention to the dyeing process. From the precious saffron to more readily available materials such as turmeric, chamomile, and onion skins, these natural sources provide a range of options for creating a warm and vibrant yellow color in Persian rugs. The use of natural materials not only produces beautiful colors but also ensures that Persian rugs remain a sustainable and environmentally friendly art form.