
Persian Rugs: Weaving in Chaharmahal

Los Angeles Home of Rugs on Nov 19th 2021

Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari are two different zones joined together. A district named Bakhtiari is situated between the Zagros Mountains stretching as far as Khuzestan. On the eastern part of the dividing line from Zagros towards Isfahan is Chaharmahal.

The district of Bakhtiari and Chaharmahal is the main center and the summer quarters of the big Bakhtiari tribe. The route of their migration is around Shahr-e-Kord, which extends to the border of Masjed-Soleyman and Izeh (in Khuzestan).

Important centers for rug weaving in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari are Shahr-e-Kord and the surrounding villages, Chal-shotor, Saman, Shalamzar, the town of Borujen, and the depending villages such as Boldaji, and Faradonbe. In these localities, in addition to the mosaic designs, rugs with Isfahan motifs are also woven.

Owlad, a tribe of the Lors, (South-west of the Bakhtiari district) weaves medium low-priced rugs in mosaic designs whereas another nomadic tribe of the Lors named Yalmeh produces medium-fine rugs. The sizes are from the smallest up to eighty-six square feet.

There is a great difference and a complete contrast in the geometrical designs with Bakhtiari patterns woven in Yalmeh. Their style is similar to that of the Qashqai rugs. Yalmeh rugs are generally traded in the Isfahan and Shahreza markets. Occasionally they are classified as Shiraz rugs.