
Two Principles of Matching Tabriz Hand-Knotted Rug with Interior Decoration

Los Angeles Home of Rugs on Jul 14th 2023

One of the most important concerns in home decoration is matching a hand-knotted Persian rug with the overall interior design. The first point to consider is the design and pattern of the rug we have chosen. Persian rugs, particularly Tabriz hand-knotted rugs, often feature intricate and detailed patterns that incorporate numerous elements. The vibrant and colorful nature of these rugs can make it challenging to coordinate them with furniture and other furnishings. Neglecting even small details can result in a lack of harmony, which not only fails to showcase the beauty of the decoration but also makes it difficult to live in. While matching rugs with different colors and patterns will vary, following some general principles and tricks can help achieve the desired combination and result. In the following, we will discuss the principles of matching hand-knotted rugs and arranging a home with dark-colored and busy-patterned rugs.

1- Matching Tabriz Rugs with Sofas:

When it comes to matching rugs with sofas, there is a fundamental principle: if the color of the rug and the sofa are close to each other, the sofa will have a more prominent appearance. However, if they are placed side by side with contrasting color schemes, the rug will stand out more. Based on this principle, in decorations featuring Tabriz rugs with intricate designs, it is better to use simple and delicate sofas with light colors. Additionally, floral cushions with soft and simple patterns can be used on the armrests and seating areas of the sofas. However, to ensure that the hand-knotted rug can display its authenticity, the space should be slightly larger than the rug itself. It is generally recommended to leave a distance of 8 to 12 inches between the sofa base and the rug.

2- Matching Tabriz Rugs with Curtains:

In this case, it can be said that the rug and the curtains complement each other. To ensure a good visual effect when combining busy-patterned and intricate Tabriz rugs with curtains, the curtains should have a calm pattern and be relatively lighter in color. This contrast allows both the rug and the curtains to stand out. By choosing curtains with a peaceful design and lighter tones, the overall composition will be visually appealing.

In conclusion, when matching Tabriz Persian rugs with interior decoration, it is crucial to consider the design, pattern, and color scheme of both the rug and the accompanying elements. By following these two principles of coordinating rugs with sofas and curtains, one can create a harmonious and visually pleasing living space that showcases the beauty and authenticity of the hand-knotted Tabriz rug.