
Persian Rugs: Design

Los Angeles Home of Rugs on Feb 10th 2021

The characteristics and important factors that have made the rugs of Persia world-famous are their pleasant, varied, and unique design. Each Persian rug has a design of its own so that thousands of fascinating designs can be seen in the whole range of Persian rugs, each being very beautiful and possessing perfect harmony.

When the Persian artist, gifted with very good taste, came into contact with the culture and arts of new settlers in this land and also with the culture and arts of those who invaded this nation, they selected the designs which were most appealing and pleasing and incorporated them in their national designs.

Thus, with the presentation of all the designs, the original ones and those introduced later, the artists were able to raise the art of rug designing to its highest level.

The joint efforts of these designers together with the work of experienced dyers and the silk of artistic and patient weavers eventually resulted in the production of the most beautiful and glorious creation the "Persian Rug". The durability and unique fineness of Persian rugs and carpets, together with the special quality of the wool used and the brilliant fast colors gave Persian rugs their worldwide reputation and placed them on the throne of the rug art and industry.

Progress towards the perfection of the designs of Persian rugs was gradual. According to historical evidence, the designs before the Safavid dynasty were all geometrical. During this period, the art of rug design, like other fine arts, reached perfection. It must also be stressed that at the same time the motifs portrayed on the tiles of the buildings, the forms worked on the plaster-moldings, and the designs of the rugs influenced and enriched each other.

The attractive designs of Persian rugs and the harmonious dyes have for many years been accepted by all those interested in rugs. Today, most of the rug weaving centers in the world, fully aware of this universal acceptance, weave their rugs with Persian designs and do not make much effort to present new designs, as they feel that they cannot improve on the existing ones. Except for those rugs portraying scenes or faces, most Persian rugs are symmetrical.