
Persian Rugs: Other color plants

Los Angeles Home of Rugs on Feb 10th 2021

The plant is cultivated in some central parts of Persia it produces natural red colors. The root of this plant grows to a depth of two meters or so in sandy soil, from which one gets a better color essence. The plant root has a substance named "Rabitric Acid" composed of sugar and color essence called Alizarin.

To produce the red color, the root is taken out in late autumn and dried in the sun or special furnaces (60 Degree Centigrade). However, the best color is obtained, if it is dried in the shade. In the dyeing process, Persian dyers generally use sour milk which contains lactic acid. By use of this process, they obtain fast and shiny colors.

The leaves of mulberry vine, henna and plane trees are commonly used for the development of natural dyes, white mulberry gives yellow; black mulberry and its fruit, violet; red and greyish colors are obtained with the use of different mordants.

The leaves of the vine give olive green when brought In contact with galvanized iron and almost orange when treated with alkaline salts.

Light and dark green colors are produced from plane tree leaves. Wool when boiled with corn straw gives light beige; if boiled with onion skin, it becomes pink; and with henna leaves, it gives a jasper green color.