
Persian Rugs: Weaving in Azerbaijan

Los Angeles Home of Rugs on Feb 23rd 2021

In the last one hundred years, Azerbaijan has had its outstanding share in contributing to the expansion of the rug industry. So, when in Istanbul the rugs in stock were insufficient, the merchants of Azerbaijan started to install weaving looms in the different cities throughout Persia. The result of their initiative was the glory and splendor of this industry in Persia.

Both course and fine rugs are woven In Azerbaijan, i.e. they weave all types of rugs (within every seven centimeters one can count between eighteen to seventy knots along the length of the rugs) in the past years and even recently very fine and good quality rugs have been woven in Tabriz but most of them that are produced in the other cities are generally coarsely-woven.

Normally all the rugs woven In Azerbaijan have Ghiordes knots with double weft. They are durable and hard-wearing. The colors that are most often used in the dye-houses of Azerbaijan are red, blue, yellow, green, dark orange, beige, and other colors. It can be roughly estimated that fifty percent of the color used in the dyeing centers are provided from natural and herbal sources. For the rest, chemical dyes are used.