
Persian Rugs: Weaving in Yazd

Los Angeles Home of Rugs on Feb 21st 2021

The ancient city of Yazd is considered the last holly city of Zoroastrians of Persia and still hosts a small society of their priests, Mobeds, and there is a beautiful fire temple.

Yazd was famous like Kerman in producing shawls and textiles. Marco Polo defined there as follows: Yazd is a big Persian city and significant goods have been exchanged there. There are woven items of gold and silver that are called "Yazdi" and have been sent to many cities.

Since the beginning twenties and thirties, businessmen of Kerman exported carpets of Yazd to European and US markets. Older samples were adorned with Herati and passed the latest stages of evolution.

Medallion and corner can be seen on the rugs of Yazd on a background and borders copied of Kashan rugs. Warps are like Kerman rugs and wefts are from cotton and tripled with asymmetrical knots. In recent decades using designs of Tabriz and Kashan has been common in Yazd Province especially Ardakan but there are differences with the original designs of Tabriz.