

Persian Rugs: The art of weaving from 1722 to 1925

Los Angeles Home of Rugs on Feb 21st 2021

In the century after the death of Shah Abbas the Great who overthrew the last king of the Safavid dynasty (Shah-Sultan Hossein), and during the revolt of the Afghan Army (1721), interest in the fine a … read more

Persian Rugs: How to buy?

Los Angeles Home of Rugs on Feb 20th 2021

Our most important recommendations for those who have the intention to buy Persian rugs are as follows:After having a rough idea of the size, design, color, and price, you can decide to buy the rug … read more

Persian Rugs: Design motifs

Los Angeles Home of Rugs on Feb 19th 2021

All the motifs and figures which constituted the design are made from composition, contact, rotation, and balance of the lines.If the lines along their route make angles the design is in geometrical s … read more

Persian Rugs: Wool

Los Angeles Home of Rugs on Feb 18th 2021

The wool of sheep or hair of goat is undoubtedly more frequent among all raw materials of the rug due to its availability in the orient. Keeping sheep and goats has an ancient and spread record in ori … read more