

Persian Rugs: Weaving in Arak

Los Angeles Home of Rugs on Feb 12th 2021

Arak (former Sultan-Abad) is one of the most important rug producing centers in Persia. The rug weaving in this area dates back to the time when Abbas the Great of Persia (16th century), gave his cons … read more

Persian Rugs: Weaving in Khorasan

Los Angeles Home of Rugs on Feb 12th 2021

Khorasan is one the most important weaving centers in Persia. The art of rug weaving in this area dates back to the Image result for the Sasanian dynasty period (224–651 AD). When Shah-Rokh Mirza (Tim … read more

Persian Rugs: Washing after weaving

Los Angeles Home of Rugs on Feb 11th 2021

After the weaving of a rug is completed, it is taken down from the loom and washed to remove the fragments and small pieces of wool that have remained amidst the wefts and warps of the rug after it ha … read more

Persian Rugs: Design

Los Angeles Home of Rugs on Feb 11th 2021

The characteristics and important factors that have made the rugs of Persia world-famous are their pleasant, varied, and unique design. Each Persian rug has a design of its own so that thousands of f … read more

Persian Rugs: Other color plants

Los Angeles Home of Rugs on Feb 11th 2021

The plant is cultivated in some central parts of Persia it produces natural red colors. The root of this plant grows to a depth of two meters or so in sandy soil, from which one gets a better color … read more